
Tuesday 28 June 2016

What a delicious chopped pork!

On a cold breezy Sunday night, my family and I went to a restaurant to celebrate my mother's 38th birthday. Our first choice was a Mongolian Restaurant called Genghis Khan but ended up at another restaurant called, ' Momo Tea'.

First, we went to Genghis Khan but when we got there, my parents saw that there were too many people inside so we decided to go to Momo Tea instead. We drove there as fast as we possibly can. Luckily, we found a parking straight away because we were already starving.
Image result for cold night
We were given a table for three and as soon as we were seated, we order
ed our food and drinks without delay. I ordered, 'Mango Shake' for my drink and my mother ordered a 'Mocha Shake'. Not long after, our food was served.  My family was amazed at how fast they prepare their food there.
Image result for chopped pork

My family and I said a short prayer then we started eating our delicious food. I had chopped pork with a special dark sauce. It tasted so yummy that each bite was savoured.  After eating, we all leaned back and reflected about the food we all just ate. Later on, we paid and slowly left the restaurant with our full stomachs. On the way back I sang my mother a Happy Birthday song.

Sunday night was one of the most important nights because I got to celebrate my mother's 38th birthday. Next year when we celebrate my mother's birthday I want to celebrate it at Genghis Khan. My favourite part of that freezing Sunday night was eating delicious food and celebrating my mother's birthday.

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in my writing.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I add 15 appropriate adjectives to describe my weekend celebration at Momo Tea.

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