
Friday 14 April 2017

What is School?

What is School?
A school is a place where children usually learn more about the different things in life. Every child must go to school to develop their understanding when they grow up.

A school has teachers to teach the children. The children are usually kept in classes depending on their age and their grade/year. Schools also have principals who make the school rules to make it fair for everyone. The rules in schools are always there to be followed and if a child doesn't he is given consequences.

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Some schools have a uniform for the teacher to wear and usually the children. Their uniform represents equality to everyone and how much pride they have in their school. There is sometimes a symbol that represents their saint and the children show their pride in that saint by wearing a uniform. A person also doesn't get bullied due to the fact that he is wearing something worse than the others. Therefore, school uniforms should always be worn.

In schools, there are different subjects to teach the children. Some common subjects are Mathematics, Spelling, Writing, Physical education and Science. Some schools have their children ride in public transport to get to a new location however, only the school (teachers and students) is allowed to be in the public transport and not with other strangers. In that new location, students also learn different subjects.

A school is a lot of fun for children because they learn so much from there and make new friends to play with. When children grow up they become more intelligent because they have been to school.
I am learning to add detail to my ideas when writing an explanation

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