
Thursday, 6 April 2017

The Baby Spit Experiment!

The Baby Spit Experiment

Goal: Find out the result of mixing 100mls of milk and 15mls of vinegar.

Materials: plate, 2 beakers, tripod, gauze mat, matches, meths burner, 20mls of white vinegar, 100mls of milk, eye dropper, stirring rod, blue cloth and a thermometer

Hypothesis: I think the result of mixing milk and vinegar will create an edible substance and the substance and features will change.

1. Light up the meths burner using the matches.
2. Heat the 100mls of milk using the meths burner until it is 37ᶜ.
3. Cover the meths burner and then add vinegar carefully to the warm milk using the eyedropper while stirring it using a stirring rod.
4. Place the blue cloth on top of the other beaker, separating the mixture into liquid in the beaker and solid on the cloth.

Result: Separating the mixture should have created curds and whey from the 'Little Miss. Muffet' rhyme.

Conclusion: My hypothesis was correct because mixing the milk and the vinegar created edible cottage cheese and whey.

Evaluation: This is a scientific diagram of what happened.

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