Snowman Play:
Title: The living Snowman
Narrator and Mr Madam
Monica and Bobby made a Snowman and the next day it came to life. However, a bully named Mae came past and kicked down the Snowman. The Snowman rebuilt himself and started throwing snowballs at the bully. The Snowman became Bobby and Monica’s guardian! However, something bad happened.
Bobby and Monica’s house is on a snowy hill.
Narrator: It was a very snowy day and Bobby wanted to build a Snowman with his sister.
Bobby: Monica let’s go outside to make a Snowman!
Monica: Okay, but first I need to find something warm to wear.
Narrator: Bobby goes outside to wait for Monica.
Bobby: Ok, I’ll wait for you.
Narrator: Finally Monica finished changing and they went outside to build the Snowman.
Monica: Okay let’s gather the right materials.
Bobby: Carrots, rocks, sticks, a scarf and a hat.
Monica: Yes! So let’s get started!
Monica: All done!
Bobby: Nice job!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby went back inside and on the next day, something magical happened!
(The snowman jumps up and came to life)
Mae: Ha, what a horrible Snowman! I can make a better one.
Narrator: Mae kicks and destroys the Snowman. However, the Snowman rebuilds himself and throws snowballs at her.
Snowman: How dare you kick me!
(Mae runs away screaming)
(Bobby looks outside)
Bobby: Wow! The Snowman came to life! Monica, come look!
(Monica runs towards bobby and looks out the window)
Monica: Wow, you're right Bobby, it is alive!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby went outside to see the Snowman.
Snowman: Now I am your guardian, I will protect you whenever you are in great trouble.
Narrator: Monica and Bobby goes to school and bumps into Mae.
Mae: Your Snowman threw a snowball at me so I will do the same to you! (Mae throws snowballs to Monica and Bobby)!
Snowman: Hey, don’t throw snowballs at them!
Mae: Oh no!
Snowman: Now apologise!
Mae: I’m sorry and goodbye!
Monica: Wait, how did you get here, you can’t walk!
Snowman: I flew in the air.
Bobby: What? That’s impossible!
Snowman: No it’s not, because I'm magical, right?
Monica and Bobby: Oh, yeah!
Snowman: Now go back to your classes now. It’s getting late!
Monica: Aww, but there is a very hard test coming up.
Bobby: Do you think you can help us?
Snowman: Definitely, what is the subject?
Monica: Maths and science.
Snowman: Ok, then let’s get started!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby went back inside their class and starts their test with the magical Snowman helping them.`
(Snowman tells the answers to them by murmuring).
Mae: Hey, you guys are cheating, I'm telling!
Monica: But no one will believe you, ha!
Mae: Well, I could tell the teacher that you’re copying other people, ha! Mr Madam, Monica and Bobby are cheating by looking at people’s work.
Mr Madam: Monica and Bobby, you have failed the test!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby finished their hockey lessons and accidentally left the Snowman outside in the blazing, hot sun. Mae was quietly spying on the Snowman melting down and somehow she felt sad for the snowman.
Mae: Hey guys, I’m so sorry for everything.
Bobby: Mae it’s not the right time.
Mae: Yeah, I know but...
Monica: Just go away.
Mae: But I know where to take your Snowman.
Bobby and Monica: Where?
Mae: Follow me!
(The children and the snowman ran as fast as they could to cooler place)
Mae: Ok, it’s here!
(Snowman melts)
Children: Nooo!
Mae: Sorry mister Snowman for everything I have done.
Snowman: That’s ok!
Monica, Mae and Bobby: We’ll miss you!
Snowman: I’ll still be in your hearts forever.
(Snowman gives them a souvenir)
Narrator: A few months later, the siblings became very good friends with Mae and the Snowman’s spirit is still in their hearts today.
The End! (Everyone bows down)
This story was based on Jesus who is always in our hearts and whenever we need help, he is always there for us!
Learning intention: We are learning to develop creative thinking skills through script writing.
Success criteria: We know we can do this when we can write a successful play about a snowman.