
Friday, 14 July 2017

WLJ: Week 1; Day 5; Activity 1

My Story:
As I was walking with my group, I saw a majestic looking tree. I strolled to it and gazed as its amazing features. However, when I looked back, I realised I was left behind by my group. I was getting worried and frightened! I thought I would be stuck with the wonderful tree for eternity, until I noticed a map of the park near the roots of the tree. I followed the map carefully and leisurely back to the entrance we came from to search for them there.

As I was getting closer and closer to the entrance, I raised my head seeing the van we used to travel. However, I also saw a group of people similar to my group and so I ran over to them thinking it was my group. As I touched the shoulders of two random people, I saw it wasn't them! They face were drastically puzzled and I was embarrassed. I turned back in shame and while I was walking, I turned around slowly and found my group. I was filled with great excitement! The day couldn't get any better!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tristan,

    Thank you for completing Day 5 activity 1. I enjoyed reading your story about your visit to the Lewis Pass Scenic reserve. I was happy to read that you found the map to make your way back to the entrance. Often when we are out on school trips, we get so excited to see everything without keeping an eye on our group. It's really important to stay as close as you can with your group so you do not get lost. Great work Tristan. I look forward to reading more of your interesting facts.

    Best wishes,

